Home Automotive JPJ Launches Revamped E-Bidding App with Improved Features

JPJ Launches Revamped E-Bidding App with Improved Features

by Kris

The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has released a revamped JPJeBid app that aims to improve users’ experience with placing online bids for number plates. The newly updated JPJeBid app will be launched as a “pilot-test”, as announced by JPJ through Facebook.

The latest version of the JPJeBid app is downloadable through Apple’s App Store, Google Play, and Huawei’s AppGallery. Users with an existing JPJeBid account will be able to login to the new app and place their bids. This announcement comes a few days after JPJ’s Facebook announcement that P license holders could now upgrade their licenses online.

JPJeBid screens iphoneJPJeBid screens iphone
Image: JPJ via Apple App Store

JPJ states that the updated app will have a more user-friendly interface. This will enable users to have easier accessibility on the app. The app will also be updating their notifications, ensuring that users remain up-to-date. Additionally, there will be a new menu bar in the app displaying the upcoming number plates. This differs from the old version of the app, which informed users through email notifications. Users will also be able to personalise their profiles with their own pictures.

Users will be able to compare the newly revamped app with the old 1.0 model. They can then express their thoughts through the online survey JPJ will be carrying out through the chat inboxes in the 2.0 version of the app. There, JPJ will be able to gauge users’ perceptions of the refurbishments.

(Source: JPJ via Facebook, Apple)

Manisha Dharmendra contributed to this article.

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