Home Mobile Google To Enable Circle To Search Alternative For iOS

Google To Enable Circle To Search Alternative For iOS

by Kris

If you’re a fan of Circle to Search feature but you currently own an Apple device, you’re in luck. Google will be updating its iOS app and Chrome browser to make the feature accessible to iOS users, sort of.

The internet search giant announced that it will be releasing to iOS devices “Search Screen with Google Lens”, a feature similar to Circle to Search.  Previously made exclusive to Android devices, Apple users will be able to somewhat use the feature through Chrome and the Google App.

Google Lens Removal-From Circle To SearchGoogle Lens Removal-From Circle To Search
Image: Google

Circle to Search is essentially a feature that enables users to search for something on their screen by just circling it, without having to use a separate app or switch screens. Search Screen with Google Lens will be able to do something similar via the Chrome browser or the company’s app. The difference between the Android and iOS versions (besides its name) comes in the form of a flaw – it is not available system wide for iOS.

The feature is accessible by tapping on the three-dot menu, selecting the feature, and either “drawing, highlighting or tapping” on the screen. As announced, the update is to arrive sometime this week, and will be made globally available on both Chrome and the Google app for iOS. The company also says that in the next few months, there will be a Lens icon in the address bar to access that same feature.

(Source: Google)

Manisha Dharmendra contributed to this article.

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